What should to know to become a expert in java spring boot

To become an expert Java Spring Boot developer, we should have a solid understanding of various key concepts and technologies related to Spring Boot as well as general software development principles. 
We will learn from scratch.
Spring Boot Logo

Required tools to practice with us -
  1. JDK 17 and above
  2. Intellij Idea
  3. Postman
Here is a list of concepts and topics you should master. And this topics we will cover in the Java Spring Boot blog series.

Core Spring Boot concept
  1. Spring Framework Basics: Understanding Dependency Injection (DI), Inversion of Control (IoC), and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP).
  2. Spring Boot Starter Project: Knowledge of starter dependencies for quick project setup.
  3. Spring Boot Auto-Configuration: How Spring Boot auto-configures beans and how to customize configuration.
  4. Spring Boot Annotations: Common annotations like @SpringBootApplication, @Component, @Service, @Repository, @RestController, etc.
  5. Spring Boot Features: Configuration features, profiles, and how to externalize configuration.
  6. Spring Boot DevTools: Tools for rapid application development.

 Web Development
  1. Spring MVC: Building web applications with Controller, View and Model attributes with Spring MVC.
  2. Restful Web Services: Creating REST APIs with @RestController, @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping, etc.
  3. Data Validation: Uses @Valid and validation annotations to validate user input.
  4. Exception Handling:Global exception handling with @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler.

 Access to information
  1. Spring Data JPA: Working with Spring Data JPA for database interaction.
  2. Hibernate ORM: Understanding Hibernate as a JPA implementation.
  3. Transaction: Handling transactions via @Transactional.
  4. Spring Data JDBC: Using Spring Data JDBC for simple use cases.
  5. NoSQL Databases: Integrating with NoSQL databases like MongoDB using Spring Data MongoDB.

  1. Spring Security: Implementing authentication and authorization.
  2. OAuth2 and JWT: Implementing OAuth2 for authorization and using JWT (JSON Web Token) for stateless authentication.

  1. Unit Testing: Writing unit tests with JUnit and Mockito.
  2. Integration Testing: Using Spring Boot's support for integration testing with @SpringBootTest.
  3. Mocking and Test Containers: Using tools like TestContainers for testing with real dependencies.

 Advanced Topics
  1. Spring Boot Actuator: Monitoring and managing applications with Actuator.
  2. Spring Cloud: Building microservices with Spring Cloud, including service discovery, configuration management, and circuit breakers.
  3. Reactive Programming: Using Spring WebFlux for reactive programming.
  4. Messaging: Integrating with messaging systems like RabbitMQ and Kafka using Spring AMQP and Spring Kafka.

 DevOps and Deployment
  1. Containerization: Dockerizing Spring Boot applications.
  2. CI/CD Pipeline: Setting up continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines.
  3. Cloud Deployment: Deploying applications to cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
  4. Kubernetes: Deploying and managing Spring Boot applications on Kubernetes.

 Best practices and patterns
  1. Design Patterns: Applying design patterns like singleton, factory, proxy etc.
  2. Microservices Architecture: Microservices design and implementation.
  3. Performance Tuning: Optimizing application performance.
  4. Code Quality: Ensuring code quality through tools like Sonarcube and Code Review.

 Tools and IDEs
  1. Build Tools: Using Maven or Gradle for project build and dependency management.
  2. IDEs: Proficient use of IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.
  3. Version Control: Using Git for version control and collaboration.

Mastering these concepts and keeping up with the latest developments in the Spring ecosystem will help you become an expert Java Spring Boot developer.

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