File Path Import in JS

We are going to learn to set the path of the files to import in a current file using the two syntaxes below:

  1.   ./            [Within the same folder]
  2.  ../            [To upward the folder]
1) ./[Folder]/[Folder]/File: This is used when both files are in the same folder.

  • Example 1:
Example 1
Here App.js and index.js are in the same location. So just use (./) to import.

  • Example 2:
Example 2
Here App.js and components folder are in the same location. Therefore, (./) has been used here. And after (./), it provides the up to path of the PropsComponent1.js file.

2) ../[Folder]/[Folder]/File: This is used when required to upward from the current folder.

Example 3

Here current file is PropsComponent2.js. In this file has been imported App.js. Both are not in the same folder. So, Need to upward from PropsComponent2.js to Props folder using (../) and then the Props folder to the components folder using another (../). Therefore, final path is (../../App).

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