React Bootstrap Step by Step.

React Bootstrap is a popular library that combines the power of React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, with Bootstrap, a front-end framework that provides a set of pre-designed elements and styles. React Bootstrap lets you easily integrate Bootstrap components into your React applications.

React Bootstrap logo

Here are the basic steps to use React Bootstrap in your project:

Step 1: Install Dependencies

We need to install both react-bootstrap and bootstrap packages by npm below command. We have installed Bootstrap 5 here.

npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

Installation Image

After installation, Check the "bootstrap" and "react-bootstrap" in the package.json file.

Step 2: Import Bootstrap CSS 
Import the Bootstrap CSS file in your project. We can do this by adding the following line to our project's entry point. Like - index.js or App.js. We have imported here in App.js file.

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

Import Image


Step 3: Use React Bootstrap Components
Now we are free to use bootstrap classes in all components. 

Use Bootstrap Image
We have used the Button and Card classes inside the BootstrapUse.js component. So first we imported Button and Card then we used.

Step 4: Finally output in a browser

Final Output

By combining React with Bootstrap, we can build responsive and visually appealing user interfaces with ease.

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