In this blog, we will learn how to create a simple REST API. We are going to create two REST APIs. First API will provide us information on a single employee. The second API will give us the information of a list of employees. We will learn how to create a simple spring boot API step by step.
Step 1: We will create a bean class. Here we will keep the employee's information. Therefore we took the three variables in the bean (Employee) class. And created a getter/setter method for each variable. Also created a constructor with arguments.
public int id;
public String name;
public String mail;
public Employee(int id, String name, String mail) { = id; = name;
this.mail = mail;
Required Annotation -
- @RestController - Consist of both @Controller and @ResponseBody annotation. So act as a Controller and respond as API. Class level annotation.
- @GetMapping - Use to get data from the server. Method level annotation. Inside the @GetMapping("/employee") is the endpoint. We have to use that with a URL to access a particular API.
Here we created two simple functions. And we added @GetMapping annotation, so both functions has been API.
First API - @GetMapping("/employee")
// Single Employee (http://localhost:8080/Employee)
public Employee employee(){
Employee employee = new Employee(1,"Roman","");
return employee;
Here we just assigned the values for a single employee in the Employee class and returned it as an API response.
Second API - @GetMapping("/employees")
// All Employee (http://localhost:8080/Employees)
public List<Employee> employees(){
List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>();
employees.add(new Employee(1,"Roman",""));
employees.add(new Employee(2,"sarker",""));
employees.add(new Employee(3,"Hasib", ""));
return employees;
Here we assigned a list of employee information in the Employee class using the constructor. And returned API all employee information. Remember, here return type is List of Employee class.
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