Sub-skills of Angular V2+

When starting to learn Angular 2+ development, it is essential to prioritize basic skills and gradually move on to more advanced topics. Here is a suggested learning path:

1. JavaScript/TypeScript:

  • Start by mastering the basics of JavaScript (ES6/ES2015).
  • Learn TypeScript as it is the primary language used in Angular development.


  • Consolidate your knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3.

3. Angular Basics:

  • Understand the core concepts of Angular such as modules, components, directives, and services.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Angular CLI.

4. Component Oriented Architecture:

  • Gain a deep understanding of Angular components and their lifecycle.

5. Templates and Data Binding:

  • Learn how to create and manipulate templates using various data binding techniques.

6. Injection dependency:

  • Understand the principles of dependency injection and how it is used in Angular.

7. Routing:

  • Implement simple routing in your applications using Angular Router.

8. Form:

  • Start with template-driven forms and progress to responsive forms as you feel more comfortable.

9. HTTP and Observables:

  • Learn how to make HTTP requests and handle asynchronous operations using observables.

10. Experimental:

  • Familiarize yourself with unit testing using Jasmine and Karma.
  • Explore end-to-end testing with Protractor.

11. RESTful APIs:

  • Learn how to interact with RESTful APIs from Angular applications

12. Version Control/Git:

  • Master the use of Git for version control.

13. Construction and Installation:

  • Understand the basics of building and deploying Angular applications.

14. Responsive Design:

  • Apply responsive design principles to ensure your apps work well on different devices

15. Cross-Browser Compatibility:

  • Make sure your applications are compatible with different web browsers

16. Security Best Practices:

  • Learn and apply security best practices in Angular applications

17. State management (optional):

  • Explore state management with NgRx after you're comfortable with the basics

18. Continuous learning:

  • Stay updated with the latest Angular releases and ongoing developments in the web development ecosystem.

Start by creating small projects to strengthen your understanding of each concept before moving on to more complex applications. As you gain experience, you can delve into advanced topics and explore specialized areas based on your interests and project requirements.

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